A Sexual Assault Response Team Approach to Victim-Centered Care

Take a deep dive on what makes a successful Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) including stakeholder contributions to building a collaborative victim response. Learn about challenges and how to sustain a trauma-informed, victim-centered approach by the SART through the lens of a forensic nurse.

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The success of Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) hinges on active involvement from each key stakeholder. A SART that is comprised of a healthy collaborative group of advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors, and sexual assault nurse examiners/forensic nurse examiners (SANEs/FNEs), will find their approach and response to trauma-informed, victim-centered care to not only be successful, but sustainable. Through the lens of the forensic nurse, challenges faced by key stakeholders while building a collaborative victim-centered response will be discussed with a particular focus on sustainability of the medical forensic team. As a result of this interactive audience presentation, participants will gain a better understanding of the importance of victim-centered care through a well-functioning SART model.
  1. Identify significant stakeholder contributions to building a collaborative victim response.
  2. Recognize challenges faced by key stakeholders while building a collaborative victim-centered response: through the lens of the forensic nurse and a focus on sustainability of the medical forensic team.
  3. Describe important steps to create and sustain a trauma-informed, victim-centered approach by the sexual assault response team.
Kim Nash has been a registered nurse for 23 years and a forensic nurse for the last 15 years. Dual board certified as a SANE-A and a SANE-P, she was a Forensic Nurse Specialist with the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), providing education, training and technical assistance for healthcare professionals, law enforcement, attorneys and advocates. Ms. Nash’s forensic nursing clinical experience includes 12 years as a Forensic Nurse Examiner at University of Colorado Health in Colorado Springs, Colorado where she provided medical forensic care to patients who were victims of violence (sexual assault, intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder abuse, strangulation, human trafficking). She was the Colorado SANE/SAFE Trainer for 3 years, providing statewide education for healthcare and multidisciplinary partners, conducting clinical skills labs, and participating in statewide protocol development and legislative work. In addition, Kim worked as a forensic nurse at a child advocacy center for 3 years and her international experience includes working on projects as a forensic nurse consultant in Swaziland, Egypt and Mexico.
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